Where the Lines End is a new video artwork which emerged from this project. Using raw footage and handmade effects and graphics, it captures much of the strangeness of the subject matter of borders. As it was completed during the lockdown era, it also absorbs the context of the rapidly changing effects of a global crisis. It initially draws from a road trip where the artists explored the Irish borderlands by foot, van, and canoe, re-treading the landscapes, mythologies, and geologies of both a fluid place of imagination and a concrete place of fact. The finalized version will appear in four parts and will likely be 50+ minutes in length.

This work is an audio work to be launched online in July 2020, and as a vinyl disc in Fall 2020. It is now titled The Crossings, but this might change as the work does. The audio work explores the topography of the Irish/UK border using mapping, computer programming, and musical composition to create an audio work which transposes elevation data of the border into music, in a poetic sense, as though a record needle was dragged across the surface of the terrain.