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Please call 301-495-6720 between M-F, 9 AM - 5:30 PM or email silverinfo@AFI.com
Sunday, March 5 • 12:45 PM
Total runtime: approx. 43 min
In this surreal, coming-of-age fable, a lonely girl's wish comes true when she gains a magical friend: an exact double of herself! But the dream turns into a nightmare when her double wants to live her own life.
Credits: DIR Bonnie Dempsey; SCR Rodney Lee; PROD David O'Sullivan, Una Shinners. Ireland, 2020, color, 15 min.
In this CG-animated adventure, a little monster from Halloween Town is stranded in the human world on Halloween night after trick-or-treating too much, it's up to one girl (voiced by Sophie Okonedo) to face her fears and help the monster return home.
Credits: DIR Kealan O'Rourke, Corinne Ladeinde, Maurizio Parembelli; SCR Emma Hogan; PROD Brian Willis, Ruth Fielding. Ireland, 2022, color, 28 min.