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East Coast Premiere
Sunday, March 5 • 12:00 PM
Q&A with co-director Anna Rodgers, moderated by poet, Teri Ellen Cross Davis.
More than 40 years after the start of the AIDS epidemic, this groundbreaking film takes on the complexity of living with HIV in contemporary Ireland with rigorous honesty, ingenuity and an artistry that propels the conversation forward. Robbie Lawlor was diagnosed with HIV at 21 and became one of the youngest people to come out about their HIV status on Irish television. Enda McGrattan, also known as Veda, promised to keep their HIV status a secret but eventually broke free with a song. And a group of Irish and migrant women, who cannot show their faces, found creative ways to have their voices heard. In this powerful hybrid work, directors Anna Rodgers and Shaun Dunne use documentary, performance and genre blurring storytelling techniques to explore and break the social stigma around HIV in Ireland, communicating a powerful message about agency and the freeing act of disclosure. (Note adapted from Invisible Thread Films.) Official Selection, 2022 Docs Ireland Documentary Film Festival.
Credits: DIR/SCR Anna Rodgers, Shaun Dunne; PROD Zlata Filipovic. Ireland, 2022, color, 99 min. NOT RATED