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Please call 301-495-6720 between M-F, 9 AM - 5:30 PM or email silverinfo@AFI.com
Saturday, March 4, 11:00 AM
Total runtime: approx. 80 min
Tina, a recently widowed farmer, doesn't want her daughter to move back to the city and leave her alone. When Seamus arrives on the farm talking about a date, she decides to intervene.
Credits: DIR Clara Planelles; SCR Áine Ryan; PROD Pete Moles. Ireland, 2021, color, 12 min.
Unable to accept his son's sudden death in a car crash, a father comes to terms with his loss and finds peace in a most unexpected way.
Credits: DIR/SCR Jean Pasley; PROD Greg Burrowes. Ireland, 2021, color, 15 mins.
A Belfast housing project simmers with resentment at an influx of Polish immigrants. But Iris is too busy for "them and us." She pulls pints and struggles to raise her nephew's baby. Jamie has turned to drugs and lost his job after his ex Anna went back to Poland. Now Anna wants her baby back. Jamie vents his rage on the Poles he once worked with, and Iris must choose a side as her family is ripped apart. Powerful short by Oscar-nominated director, Gary McKendry, based on a short story by Irish writer Colum McCann.
Credits: DIR/SCR Gary McKendry, from a story by Colum McCann; PROD Lisa Service. Northern Ireland, 2022, color, 30 min.
The cast of a documentary theater show starts to question the director's motives when he excludes them from the creative process. Who has the right to tell anyone's story?
Credits: DIR/SCR Feidlim Cannon, Gary Keegan; PROD Zlata Filipovic, Anna Rodgers. Ireland, 2022, color, 16 min.
"Based on a true myth," this animated tale unfolds in a cozy corner of a country pub, where two old friends (voiced by Colm Meany and David Pearse) while away the evening trading tall tales. Soon they begin telling the story of Lady Betty, the first and only female executioner in Ireland. As the men talk, we are zipped back to the late 1700s, to a lonely shack on the edge of town where Betty Sugrue — Lady Betty — and her son eke out a meager existence. Told through Paddy and Mick's distinctive style of storytelling, which mostly involves constantly interrupting each other and arguing, we learn about the hard and twisted life of Lady Betty.
Credits: DIR Paul McGrath; SCR Bobby Moloney; PROD Leticia Agudo. Ireland, 2021, color, 7 min.