Solas Nua is happy to showcase Fishamble’s TINY PLAYS 24/7 to kick off this season’s play reading & theatre event series. Watch the tiny plays any time this week, then join Solas Nua theatre artistic director, Rex Daugherty and Fishmable’s artistic director, Jim Culleton for an exclusive post show discussion. Rex and Jim will chat about making tiny plays and experimenting with new work. Join on Solas Nua’s Youtube Channel to ask your own questions of these two artistic directors and play-makers!
Fishamble is proud to present a selection of tiny plays submitted from its recent writing challenge. TINY PLAYS 24/7 will be presented online for audiences to enjoy, and will be a combination of pieces performed on the O’Reilly Theatre stage and multimedia pieces created digitally.
The performances will premiere online on Friday 24 July, and will be available to view online until Monday 3rd August.
The discussion will be live via Youtube on Sunday, August 2nd at 4pm.
The event is free but requires registration.