Solas Nua's CIFF@Home with NYU DC Dialogues presents When All Is Ruin Once Again.
2018 | Documentary | Runtime: 77 minutes | English
At the beginning of the Anthropocene – an epoch defined as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on the natural world – a rural community carves out their lives while a motorway ploughs forth through their landscape. It goes no further than the town of Gort in the west of Ireland, halted by the dawn of a financial crisis.
This event took place on
Wednesday, May 25 • 6 PM ET
Registration gave you access to an on-demand film link to view ahead of the live Q&A discussion.
This is a free screening series - donate what you can to help Solas Nua bring you quality Irish film programming and provocative discussion.
Live Q&A with director Keith Walsh, in conversation with Luke McManus. Introduction by CIFF@Home film programmer, Seán Wrenn.
Rewatch the full discussion below | Runtime: 39 minutes
In this poetic documentary from director Keith Walsh who lives in the area where the documentary was made, a myriad of personalities weave an epic tapestry through the bog lands, farms, fire-sides, race tracks and hurling pitches of recession Ireland. “We might all need to be remembered some day” a storyteller by a lake defines the importance of folk tales living on in collective memory. W.B. Yeats, while living in the same area, understood the futility of our quest to be remembered, when he wrote the lines... “And may these characters remain, when all is ruin once again”.
Yeats believed that we live within a pattern of eras that grow and die in recurring time patterns. We are now at the beginning of one of those eras, or gyres as he called them. Perhaps society is now sowing the seeds of our eventual demise on the altar of ‘progress’ at the expense of the world around it.
Hand-picked by Solas Nua's Capital Irish Film Festival, CIFF@Home with NYU DC Dialogues is a bi-monthly, curated series of Irish film.
Selected for you to watch from the comfort of your own home, registration will give you access to an on-demand film link to view any time between now and May 25, as well as a Q&A that will be streamed via Zoom Webinar after you have watched the film on your own schedule.

Keith Walsh was born in Waterford in the south east of Ireland in 1979. His first exposure to cameras was at 13 when he began filming with his older brother. He studied Film and Television in Galway City and began working professionally whilst in college.
Over the past 25 years he has worked specifically in non-fiction-directing, shooting and editing his own work with long time collaborator Jill Beardsworth. Their work has screened at over 50 festivals worldwide and picked up several awards, most recently best cinematography for ‘When All is Ruin Once Again’ at the Galway Film Fleadh.

Luke McManus is a filmmaker based in Stoneybatter, Dublin. He has won numerous awards for his documentary work, both as producer and director, including four IFTA awards, a Celtic Media Prize, The Radharc Award and the Dublin Critics Circle Best Irish Film award.
Registration is required in order to receive access to the on-demand film link, as well as the log-in details for the Zoom webinar. Please note that this program may be recorded.
Live auto-transcript captioning will be available on this Zoom webinar.
• CIFF@Home takes place on the last Wednesday of every second month •
• Ways to watch •
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